Start Stopping: the new rules for social business
Dec. 6th 2011, door admin. 0 reactie(s)
So, you want to read more on how to live and work social? In this video, Luis shares the basics for working more and more outside the inbox.
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Dec. 6th 2011, door admin. 0 reactie(s)
So, you want to read more on how to live and work social? In this video, Luis shares the basics for working more and more outside the inbox.
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Nov. 21st 2011, door Irma Schaap. 0 reactie(s)
With the rise of social networking, a social transformation is taking place in how people interact and this is changing the way we work.
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Nov. 8th 2011, door admin. 0 reactie(s)
Check out this presentation material by Professor Paul Jones:
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Aug. 29th 2012, door Marnix. 0 reactie(s)
From September 2012 onward, IBM and our partners organize several workshops / masterclasses to help organizations to “get outside the inbox”.
Purpose of the workshops is to have an open discussion on collaboration between colleagues, the e-mail overflow struggle and ways other companies have improved this. Some amazing and inspiring thoughts, brought in by Luis, will be used to streamline the discussion.
The workshops and masterclasses are hosted by IBM and a few of our specialized Business Partners.
If you are interested to learn how you could improve your collaboration and reduce email overload, please register now.
The dates on the registration form are ‘preliminary’, meaning that we try to schedule small groups of max 5-10 people at the time , preferably from similar background or company sizes and location preferences. IBM or 1 selected partner will contact you personally to schedule a meeting that fits your agenda. Most workshops are in the afternoon and take about 3 hrs of your time and have the intention to let you leave the room with new ideas to let your organization become more efficient and save more time. Location is either at IBM in Brussels or Amsterdam or at one of our preferred Business Partners or onsite at one of our reference customers.
PS: the LANGUAGE of the sessions will depend on the audience. We will discuss your preference of either Dutch (Nederlands), French (Francais) or English.
Please register now!
Aug. 28th 2012, door Marnix. 0 reactie(s)
You have probably heard the word ‘social’ more than any other modern
buzzword lately. Especially when the subject is about communication,
either with friends, family or with your customers, partners or suppliers:
today´s organizations have massively embraced the term ‘social’. That is why I would like to introduce you to the concept of Social Business.
Organizations that effectively deploy social tools for use within their business, optimize the effectiveness of their most valuable asset: their people. Studies have shown that social businesses not only improve their collaboration between colleagues, they also become more transparent and flexible and - in the end - more effective and profitable.
I encourage you to read the IBM article below. It will not only introduce you to the concept of Social Business, but it also provides you with a number of links to events, reference cases, and background documentation.
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Aug. 22nd 2012, door Marnix. 0 reactie(s)
Dear visitor,
You have probably heard the word ‘social’ more than any other modern buzzword lately.
Especially when the subject is about communication, either with friends, family or with
your customers, partners or suppliers: today´s organizations have massively
embraced the term ‘social’.
With this newsletter, I would like to introduce you to the concept of Social Business.
Organizations that effectively deploy social tools for use within their business, optimize the effectiveness of their most valuable asset: their people. Studies have shown that social businesses not only improve their collaboration between colleagues, they also become more transparent and flexible and - in the end - more effective and profitable.
My team and myself are here to help you understand the value of Social Businessas a way to become more successful.
I kindly encourage you to read the attached information or visit one of the great upcoming events ( see event page ) around Social Business. It will not only introduce you to the concept of Social Business, but it also provides you with a number of links to events, reference cases, and background documentation.
Kind regards,
Laurent Boes
Social Business & Collaboration Leader Benelux
Aug. 22nd 2012, door Marnix. 0 reactie(s)
From Liking to Leading” – IBM Social Business Launch
19 September 2012, IBM Forum Amsterdam, Nederland –
register here
From Liking to Leading” – IBM Social Business Launch Belgium/Luxembourg:
25 September 2012, IBM Forum Brussels, BE –
register here
IBM Workshop : Social Business with IBM Connections
(IBM Brussels, November 13th) – registration opens soon
IBM Connect 2013
IBM´s global flagship conference on Social Business in Orlando, FL, USA - 27-31 January 2013
BLUG – Hosted at IBM Brussels, BE, 6 September 2012:
Notes 8.5.4 “made social” and IBM Connections 4.0 –
more info here
EASIsphere – October 2012:
4 events in Luxembourg, Braine L´Alleud, Hasselt & Gent respectively,
at our Business Partner EASI –
more info here
“Social Connections IV” - The Pan-European IBM Connections User Group
Amsterdam – NL, 30 November 2012 – hosted at the IBM Forum –
register here
Nov. 17th 2011, door Irma Schaap. 0 reactie(s)
In 2008 Luis started his experiment to rely less on corporate email and instead make heavier use of social networking tools to collaborate and share knowledge. At his personal bloghe describes, among other things, his experiences during the experiment.
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Nov. 8th 2011, door admin. 0 reactie(s)
Is een zakelijk bestaan zonder e-mail mogelijk? Luis Suarez van IBM houdt het al meer dan drie jaar vol door gebruik te maken van sociale netwerksites. Lees meer
Nov. 8th 2011, door admin. 0 reactie(s)
Through the lens of Product Development executives, Doug Cox, VP of Collaboration Solutions, Development and Support at IBM Software Group, shares his view of what it means to be a social business. Doug shares his insights on how collaboration solutions help his teams work seamlessly across time zones, Lees meer
IBM Social Business
Met social software tools zoals IBM Connections kan IBM uw organisatie helpen een social business te worden. Dit is een organisatie die mensen stimuleert om samen te werken via social networks, groepen en online communities. Zowel medewerkers als klanten doen zaken in een omgeving die wordt gekenmerkt door betrokkenheid, transparantie en flexibiliteit. Wat de productiviteit, de efficiency en uiteindelijk het resultaat verbetert. Als social business bent u klaar voor de toekomst in een snel veranderende competitieve markt.
Ontdek de mogelijkheden en voordelen voor u